No dudes en contactar, me pondré en contacto contigo tan pronto sea posible.
CR.43A | DJ VANDEL | Van Kembela.
Do not hesitate to contact us, I will contact you as soon as possible.
CR.43A | DJ VANDEL | Van Kembela.
Para booking enviar e-mail a carrera43a[at] con el asunto: Dj Vandel o Van Kembela.
For bookings send an e-mail to carrera43a[at] with the subject. Dj Vandel or Van Kembela
CR.43A & Dj Vandel
(+57) 314 864 3296
Cra 42 # 8-15 (Int. 209 – 2do. piso)
Cra 42 # 8-15 (Int. 209 – 2nd. floor)
Medellín – Colombia.